Tiny Finger Point Hand With Heart pandaroma: Spurt out the Condensed

07 July 2015

Spurt out the Condensed

I raised my head up
Escaped from the confined trap
Stick and stones will not break me
Heartbeat still palpitating 
My lips went trembling
Gazing at the sea of crowd
And I'm standing by my feet
By the miasma of crowd
I surged to find my inner peace
But fear devoured
Conquered the unconquered soul
There might be a slim chance
I keep my head up
Glinting the lights of hope


I'm gonna change this undeniably true fact about myself whenever I faced a crowd of people! And slowly I could see the positive result of my hardwork. It takes A LOT of time to transform myself for the better. Right now, I think I'm able to express myself well much much better than last time. There's no formula , you just gotta be expressive :) Curse words might help a lot. 

To myself: If you ever feared the future, visualise your success and KEEP CALM. nothing's gonna work if you are flustered. 2nd, think of the quote:" I'm gonna give out all my inner strength to this presentation today and impress the motherfuckers! Fuck all the way!!!" Haha lol, excuse me if you don't mind. Those words really helps me out !

#How's my random poem :P

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