Tiny Finger Point Hand With Heart pandaroma: August 2016

22 August 2016


Damn it, you little brat.
I knew trial exam's already over, but still the public exam is still coming.
Why am I acting like I've had already taken the mandatory final exam???
Damn I'm pressured. Everyone is chewing on new knowledge but I'm here. Gripping on my phone. Denying the fact that I've many things to do...
Felt guilty, but helpless at the procrastinate...
And domestic problems added on my list of tension..

Stating my trial exam days as suckish would be an understatement.

I had hives before my physics test.
But I've discovered true friends who cared for me.

I was in an emotional wreck before trials. Having phobias, over thinking, scared of everything.
But I managed to cope with my emotions and control them better now.

Damn. It's a really shitty ride. Life seems to be suck, but there's always a bright side to every negative changes.


Everything's gonna be fine
