Tiny Finger Point Hand With Heart pandaroma: Rewind the old-new me

18 January 2020

Rewind the old-new me

It's been ages since I last update a new blog post. Yet, I am still wearing the same army green T-shirt for 3 years and counting on which my family have always complained about. I stopped listening to K-pop and started to fall in love with China Douyin songs. I changed my degree major from software engineering to data science. My BMI still shows that I'm underweight. I had quite severe chapped lips that I never stopped peeling but it's still there. I stopped joining my foundation friends for matching timetable. I started to be fond in taking care of my skin and my appearance. I tried to invest some time and money in making online business, which isn't considered a complete a flop but the profit is unnoticeable. Sometimes, I would cook instant noodle to save my lunch/dinner money. I am still a master of procrastinating, an assignment team member who would work her ass off during the last minute, a person who is scared of public speaking and presentation which faces the crowd, and a lazy-to-go-out-to-takeaway girl who would prefer food delivery even though it burns a hole in my pocket. I tend to keep secrets inside of me because people would not be concerned enough anyway. University life is dull, there is no activity that sparks interest in me. Even if there is (programming contest etc), I still am not qualified to join because of my terrible logic thinking.

Wow, a lot had changed over the year. I hoped 2020 would be a good start for me, and everyone around me.

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