Tiny Finger Point Hand With Heart pandaroma: Why ...

16 July 2016

Why ...

There are times when I have a strong urge to give up everything. It's a devastating moment when you didn't reap what you sow. I'm really disappointed with all stuff around me. Where are you guys when I need you the most? I can't even reach your messages when it's an emergency! I am really really disappointed. At least one of you apologize... I can't really blame you guys fully either. But nothing can really make me feel better after you gave me a reason that you were sleeping the entire time! I know I'm busting out my emotions now. I do think of giving up. But we had come so far till the point where we need to pass a round to be qualified into the finals. Then every responsibility pushed towards me. I had to do everything. I made sacrifices just to think of a suitable caption for the whole day! Just then I realised how long I havent touch my homework and revisions! For a whole day with no product, it's completely a waste! Damn trial exam is near! And I'm angry at myself for being such a dumbass for doing things that could cost me a lot of time. In the end I get nothing but only lost the time. I had lots of topics to cover up..... and recently my grades are dropping freaking rapidly. I don't know why but this sucks- I'm bad at time management and I'm procrastinating all the time!

Stupid me!! If there's ever an Oscar award for procrastinators, I would be nominated! I felt so damn guilty.... sorry that I've let you guys down..... I'm not as good as you think!!!

Another thing is when we attended a workshop this morning, I think i'm the only girl in the group who do things seriously. Then the rest are literally chatting and busying themselves with their phones. Some even looked at you the entire process, without providing any help. My friend helped me, but reluctantly. They complaint how wrong they were to select this workshop and they wished to join the bio workshop instead of this. They're really unhappy this entire process and told me not to be too serious in this. They viewed this event as something fun to pass time lol. Perhaps they didn't value the essence of that project. Me being the team leader was really disappointed to see these "uncollaborative" and lacking teamwork when in the midst of busying they all were gone out of sight! After finishing up some came to help us and the rest.... unbelievably took out their phones and snapped the project we, the minorities  made. Such a pathetic human being.
After all these hard works there's nothing in return... at least we got some snacks =_=
All I can say is I'm tired of this shit happening around me. Dealing with it sucks!!

I tend to complain a lot lol * bear with me

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